The idea of this blog is to give the homesick a little piece of real Ireland to keep their spirits up
- The young emigrants heading off to Australia, New Zealand, Dubai etc away from their families and friends to find work and the Irish who live away and may never return considering the mess we are in.
Keeping the vision of the peregrine falcon gliding over the Burren hills of County Clare in mind, I hope to be able to communicate the feeling of Ireland from the personal microcosm of my life to the broad macrocosm of Ireland and maybe the world.
I also hope this post will be my most unprofessional and as I learn about this process my skills as a blogger will improve exponentially. And I hope that my grammer and spelling are ok, but most of all I want to keep it current, authentic and entertaining.

Our local artist

Jim McKee (find him on facebook) sings a song called Cuban room. It is a song about the human ability to create something out of nothing. He locked himself away for a while in a small studio shed and came out with a series of fantastic paintings that were snapped up in his first exhibition. Inspired by this concept I am trying to create something in my small office on the coast of the West of Ireland and to connect to the rest of the world through the web as a hopefully mutually beneficial process. -Any comments or opinions appreciated.
Being tied to a small farm and the family can be frustrating and although it is mostly positive it sometimes occurs to me that I could be sitting on a beach in the Bahamas, attending a premier in Hollywood in a nice frock with new boobs, skiing in the Alps and doing other stuff that people get up to and that sounds interesting. But I am here, with no means to get to the Bahamas and it is not very glamorous. BUT this is Ireland and I do love her.
So I can imagine if you are out foreign you will be missing her.
For your first taste of home I am posting a youtube clip.
'Horse Outside' has kept everyone happy for the last month or so (you have probably already seen it). It really was worth bankrupting the country to produce something so perfect! Not since Father Ted have we had real, authentic, up to the minute humour. I have tested this on someone from the UK and he had no idea what it is about, so I know if you havn't seen it you will only appreciate it if you are Irish. And be warned- it has offended some grannies so if you have a sensitive nature skip the video (I am a granny but it didnt offend me.)
On a personal note here is a photo of my horse outside 'Floyd'. I asked him to pose but he kept blinking.
He is just 4, half Conemmara. I have been training him since October and rode him today for the first time. Patrick, who lives in the previously mentioned Father Ted's house, came over to sort out some cattle cards and led him around for me. I am delighted he behaved, i will keep you posted on progress.
So today has been A GOOD DAY. I was having a severe overdose of children yesterday.
My teenage son missed the school bus this morning, he is very (Harry Enfield's) Kevin in the morning, moving at -1mile per hour, but I made him stand at the gate with his thumb out until I came back from dropping the girls in to school and he managed to get a lift -halleluiah. My 4yr old daughter pulled the centre out of a pink felt tip during the night and rubbed it lengthways all over her body and face to fake an illness and try and stay at home. She said red twigs had attacked her. But after a exfoliating scrub in the bath with a bushy kind of sponge, that you are meant to use before applying fake tan, she was only a bit pink around the moustache area and the palms of her hands, so her plan failed and I got the house to myself for the first time since the start of the holidays. NICE.
And I started this blog which is an attempt to stop procrastinating about doing something creative. I will try and keep it going and send it off into the ether with light and love hoping it may lead me places. BLESS.